As a rule, political economists of the present day do not take the trouble to study the history of money; it is much easier to imagine it and deduce the principles of this imaginary knowledge Alaxander del Mar, A History of monetary systems (1901)

Adam Smith

Contrary to common descriptions, the policy recommendations of Adam Smith could be characterised as "state interventionism" by modern-day neoliberals and libertarians.

Adam Smith had peculiar ideas regarding education that wouldn't sit well neither with free-market economics professors, nor with women.

If Adam Smith is celebrated for one thing, this is his fervent support for free trade. Well, here are 7 points he makes to refute this view.

Adam Smith is not normally known as a man of religion. But he was, and had very strong such feelings.

Did Adam Smith actually peddle socialist ideas?

Was Adam Smith actually for the unionisation of labourers to counter the injustices of their bosses?

Adam Smith is known as a free-market, private-enterprise advocate. But to most people he is only known through descriptions of scholars that just repackaged him to a clean-cut product. What happens if we actually read what he wrote?